Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Links for today's blogging course

Blogs to look at
  1. Ian Bogost (games scholar @ GA Tech)
  2. GrrlScientist (on ScienceBlogs)
  3. Nat Turner's Revenge (Georgetown Journalism Prof Christopher Chambers)
  4. Ann Althouse (UW Law Prof)
  5. The Well-Tempered Ear (Jacob Stockinger, Madison-based music blogger)
  6. Faculty blogs from Princeton University
  7. The Education Optimists (Prof. Sara Goldfrick-Rab, UW-Madison)

Blogging advice

Sophisticated Dorkiness (Kim's collected advice on blogging)
Chris Brogan (focused on business and image-promoting)
Bad Language (Matthew Stibbe's advice, focused on social blogging & style)

Blogs written by graduate students
  1. Is there no sin in it? (pseudonymous graduate student in the humanities)
  2. Stressful Times for Psyc Girl (pseudonymous graduate student in the sciences)
  3. Of Two Minds (named graduate students in the sciences)
  4. Sophisticated Dorkiness (master's student in journalism)
  5. More named graduate student bloggers
Blogs written by professors
  1. Reassigned Time (pseudonymous professor in the humanities)
  2. FemaleScienceProfessor (pseudonymous professor in the sciences)
  3. See Jane Compute (pseudonymous professor in the sciences)
  4. Tenured Radical (named professor in the social sciences)
  5. More named professorial bloggers
Collective blogs
  1. Crooked Timber (named group of tech-friendly profs)
  2. Terranova (blog on games research)
  3. Dane 101 (Madison local news and events)
  4. Blogora (sponsored by the Rhetoric Society of America)
  5. GeekFeminism (women & men blogging about tech culture)
Blog clearinghouses
  1. Inside Higher Ed (list of academic bloggers)
  2. HASTAC (blogging "fellows" blog directly on the site)
  3. Science Blogs (tons of different blogs categorized by field)
  4. The Atlantic (magazine site that includes political bloggers across a spectrum)